Low temperature processing
Low temperature processing
Extended market reach
Increased shelf life
Retention of fresh taste
Improved quality
Preservation of higher nutritional value
Retains healthy compounds
Better production planning
Low temperature processing
Energy Savings
Our PEF Advantage™ Pipe (1, 10, 100 and 1000) system range can process both food and non-food liquid or semi-liquid products.
The Elea Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) technique inactivates bacteria to increase shelf life and the gentle, low temperature processing character ensure, that freshness and quality are retained. This range of systems also enables enhanced extraction of vitamins, colour and antioxidants from fruit, as well as achieving an increased yield of juice.
The range can process capacities between 50L and 10,000L per hour and each system has a hygienic integrated design that is CIP and SIP ready.
These systems put control in the hands of the operator and offer customisation of the process. Close monitoring ensures compliance with all HACCP requirements and the modular design of the PEF Advantage™ Pipe is simple to configure and easy to maintain.
Low energy use
Higher probiotic value
Increased shelf life
Low temperature processing
Retention of fresh taste
Retention of health promoting ingredients
Extended market reach
Better production planning
Improved Quality
Bacterial spore control
Processing raw milk, cheese-making milk, whey or yoghurt drinks using the Elea PEF Advantage™ Pipe Pulsed Electric Field treatment enables the opening of the microbial cells.
Controlled and targeted electric pulses cause the cell membrane to collapse and in turn inactivate the bacteria, resulting in an extended shelf life.
Elea PEF uses low temperatures to ensure that freshness and precious, natural nutritional value are retained.
Using the Elea PEF Advantage™ Pipe range of systems results in improved taste, colour and nutritional value. The low temperatures used have a positive impact on the valuable compounds in milk products without compromising their quality, but actually enhancing them.
Retention of vitamins and proteins can be achieved and create dairy products that are healthier, fresher, more appetising and with a longer shelf life. The Elea PEF process can be applied to raw milk, cheese-making milk, whey and yoghurt drinks without them losing any of their nutritional value.
PEF Advantage™ Pipe enables the retention of health promoting ingredients such as immunglobulines (IgG, IgA, IgE etc.), lysozyme and maintains its probiotic character.
Following Elea PEF treatment, the processed liquids benefit from an extended shelf life which has a considerable effect on delivery range. The additional time results in extended market reach, cut delivery costs and less product handling, which means that there is a lower rate of returned product.
With the benefit of extended shelf life comes a greater level of flexibility when planning production logistics. Larger batches can be created using smaller lots, which will ultimately reduce overheads and manufacturing costs.