3rd-6th Sep 2019. Toulouse, France.

Join the conference, listen to our presentations and discuss with us amazing industrial electroporation aplications.

In September, the 3rd World Congress on Electroporation & Pulsed Electric Fields is taking place in Toulouse, France. All experts in electroporation whether for medical application, electronics or food application, will meet here and exchange their knowledge about electroporation.

In special sessions, various presenters from all over the world will present their research studies.

Join the conference and listen to our talk on ‚PEF use in potato products: scientific basis, technological development and product advantages‘ by our Principal Scientist Oleksii Parniakov.

Oleksii will be accompanied by R&D Engineer Kevin Hill who gives a poster presentation on snacksand R&D Scientist Alica Lammerskitten.

You are welcome to visit us at our booth no 7 in the Foyer Ariane during the conference. You can also try electroporated snacks here. We look forward to meeting you in Toulouse.

More info here.