Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) and Radiant Energy Vacuum Dehydration (REV™) for faster, higher quality, low energy drying
Elea hosted a technology forum with EnWave Corporation to highlight the synergies of Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) and Radiant Energy Vacuum Dehydration (REV™) for faster, higher quality, low energy drying.
Around 20 guests from different countries and industry sectors came to Elea’s facility in Quakenbrück, Germany, for 2 days of insights and demonstrations into PEF and REV and the benefits of using both in combination. The first day started with lectures about the two technologies to get to know the functionality and the wide area of applications.
After lunch, the live demonstrations started. Elea’s PEF expert Oleksii Parniakov and EnWaves REV experts John Zhang and Marc Alec showed the effects of PEF and REV using the example of a Kiwi. Other products like strawberries, ham and carrots were prepared in advance and ready to taste. EnWave also served its popular Moon Cheese.
The second day started with guided tours through the machinery of Elea PEF systems and the facilities of Elea’s partner and next-door neighbour DIL e.V. (German Institute of Food Technologies). Later that day, the guests had the opportunity to talk to the PEF and REV experts in private meetings with one-to-one demonstrations with own or self-selected products.
The event was a great success and lots of new business opportunities were developed.
Find out more about EnWave’s Radiant Energy Vacuum Dehydration (REV™) at https://www.enwave.net/how-it-works and Elea’s Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) at https://www.elea-technology.com/how-pef-works.