Anuga FoodTec 2024 was a great success for Elea. The show was busy with almost 40.000 visitors of which 60% came from outside Germany.

Johannes Pfeiffer, Sales Manager of Elea said: “Particularly impressive was the high quality of visitors, mostly top-level decision-makers from the industry. The show back in 2022 was still under the impression of COVID and, because of restrictions, not as well attended as Anuga FoodTec 2024.”

With its key theme “Responsibility”, Anuga FoodTec 2024 underlined the significance of a sustainable transformation, supported by innovative solutions and a comprehensive energy transition for a responsible future.

As PEF reduces energy and water consumption for many applications, visitors of the Anuga FoodTec showed a lot of interest in Elea and our PEF technology.

Pulsed Electric Field technology is a non-thermal process, powered by renewables, that uses less energy, reduces costs and emits less CO2. For snacks, chips and fries, PEF can replace thermal preheating, reduce or eliminate the necessity for blanching, and accelerate energy-intensive processes such as frying, drying and freezing.

In French fries processing, for example, PEF removes the need for thermal preheating, utilising only 10% of the energy and water resources typically required.

PEF is an energy-efficient alternative to thermovinification in the wine industry, and PEF’s low-temperature processing produces a quality juice or smoothie product with a long shelf life at low energy costs.