The 4th School on PEF applications in Food- and Biotechnology took place from 9th-12th May 2017 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria.
The intensive four-day-training-program consisted of lectures given by 12 leading international PEF experts accompanied by poster sessions and several practical courses. They were conducted by a team of 17 young researchers and students working in the field of emerging food and bioprocessing technologies. The content of the courses was designed for both, academic and industrial researchers. Participants from all over Europe and beyond enjoyed the PEF School.
The 4th PEF School was a joint effort between the BOKU Institute of Food Technology and the BOKU Institute for Synthetic Bioarchitectures with strong support from the Technical University Berlin, Germany, the University Ljubljana, Slovenia, and the Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic, as well as from the FieldFOOD project and EFFoST.
The growing industrial relevance of PEF and other emerging technologies was not only reflected by a considerable number of participants from the industry but also by the support from industrial partners such as Elea, Roplass and EnergyPulse Systems.
We at Elea were proud to be a sponsor of this amazing event and to have had the chance to support scientific and engineering talents, researchers and industrial users around the world in gaining knowledge and practical experience in the broad field of PEF and its applications.
At this point we would like to announce, that the next PEF School (5th PEF School 2018) will be held in May 14th-18th 2018 as a joint venture of Elea/DIL/University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück in Quakenbrück & Osnabrück, Germany.