NWFPA 2018 January 8th to 10th –  Our distribution partner in the US, UK and Ireland, Food-Physics, would like to welcome you at the Northwest Food & Beverage World, THE food and beverage manufacturing show in Portland, Oregon. Booth #1345


Anuga FoodTec 2018 March 20th to 23rd –  Visit us at the leading global trade fair for the food and beverage processing technology in Cologne, Germany. We will present you with our range of processing equipment for the food, beverage and scientific sectors and would look forward to discussing the enhancements your processes and products can achieve with Elea PEF technology. Hall 04.2 #B088


5th PEF School 2018 May 14th to 18th –  The 5th PEF School will be held as a joint venture of DIL and Osnabrueck University in Osnabrueck and Quakenbrueck, Germany. Elea is proud to be a sponsor – Save the date, more information coming soon!