Development of an acoustic and AI driven inline quality control solution for PEF efficiency.
The German Institute of Food Technologies e.V. (DIL) and Elea working together on the development of an cutting edge inline quality control tool for food processing lines to monitor PEF efficacy. The project is calles PiCon and funded by NBank.
The treatment of food using Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) has now become a technical standard in various sectors of food processing, such as the potato industry.
However, ensuring treatment efficacy and maintaining quality standards post-treatment demands considerable resources, often reliant on sampling methods. As a result, achieving consistent and forward-looking control remains a challenge.
Hence, the focus of the PiCon project is on developing an inline method for quality control of PEF treatment followed by a cutting step.
The assessment will involve capturing acoustic signals during the cutting process and subsequently be analysed using Artificial Intelligence.
This enables swift identification of any treatment inconsistencies, empowering proactive adjustments across the entire production process.